Ashtanga Ayurveda

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Treatment for Sciatica Pain

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Ayurvedic Treatment for Sciatica Pain at Ashtanga Ayurveda, Dubai

Welcome to Ashtanga Ayurveda, your trusted destination for natural and holistic healing in Dubai. We understand the debilitating effects of sciatica pain and are dedicated to offering you an effective and time-tested solution through Ayurveda. If you or a loved one is suffering from sciatica, you’ve come to the right place. Let us guide you through the causes, symptoms, and Ayurvedic treatments for sciatica.

Why Does SCIATICA Occur?

Numerous factors can contribute to sciatica, a disorder marked by pain radiating along the sciatic nerve. These reasons include.

Disc-Herniation (1)

Deformed Discs

when a leak occurs and the spinal disc’s gel-like material presses against the nerve.

treatment for sciatica pain

Spinal Stenosis

The sciatic nerve may get compressed due to spinal canal narrowing.

Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis Syndrome

sciatic nerve irritation or compression caused by the piriformis muscle.

Trauma or Injury

Trauma or Injury

Sciatic pain may result from a physical injury to the hips or lower back.

Age-Related Changes

Age-Related Changes

Spinal degenerative changes may also be involved.

Symptoms of Sciatica

Sciatica is characterised by severe pain that frequently travels down one leg from the lower back. Additional typical symptoms consist of

It’s critical to get prompt medical attention if you’re feeling any of these symptoms in order to find comfort and heal.

Ayurvedic Treatments for Sciatica are

We provide a variety of Ayurvedic therapies for sciatica pain at Ashtanga Ayurveda. Our skilled professionals will evaluate your illness and create a customised treatment plan that can include

(Ayurvedic Massage)

 This healing massage improves blood circulation in the afflicted area by relieving muscle tension and encouraging relaxation. It also includes herbal oils.


Panchakarma is a personalised detoxification and rejuvenation programme designed to help with sciatic pain by clearing the body of toxins and reestablishing equilibrium.

Kati Vasti

Warm medicinal oil is applied to the lower back during this specialised therapy, which calms the afflicted area and offers focused alleviation.

Our Ayurvedic therapies aim to heal the underlying cause of your sciatica in addition to treating the pain, providing long-term relief and overall wellbeing.


Frequently Asked Questions

You have more authority to manage your own health with Ayurveda. It is not necessary for you to wait for a prescription or agree to undergo unnecessary testing. For instance, if you are prone to constipation in the autumn, start consuming more warm, cooked foods that are gently spicy, increase your intake of healthy oils, increase your intake of water and warm herbal teas, get back to a more regular schedule and avoid cold, drying foods before the autumn.

Sciatica sufferers might find substantial relief from Ayurveda, often with long-lasting effects. The severity of the ailment and each patient's reaction to treatment are two major determinants of the degree of recovery.

Each person's treatment plan has a different duration. While some people could feel better in a few weeks, others might need a longer course of treatment. You will receive procedural guidance from our Ayurvedic practitioners.

When given by qualified practitioners, ayurvedic treatments are safe, natural, and have few adverse effects. Your health is our top priority, and we make sure that any therapies are customised for your particular situation.

For sciatica, Ayurveda can be used in addition to traditional therapies. We advise discussing the best course of action for your particular situation with your healthcare professional.

Chronic sciatica pain has been shown to be relieved by Ayurveda by addressing the underlying bodily imbalances. Investigating Ayurvedic remedies is worthwhile because they might have a big impact.

Contact Us

At Ashtanga Ayurveda, we are committed to your well-being and providing you with natural and effective solutions for sciatica pain. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and embark on your journey towards a pain-free life through Ayurveda.

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